Helistrat Quoted in Letsrecycle.Com
An article was published on the 7th June 2012 by ‘Letsrecycle.Com’ detailing Marks and Spencer’s plans to adopt the electronic duty of care being developed by the government, in a bid to make the process of recording its waste movements easier.
Extract from LetsRecycle.com, 7th June 2012; Full story…

Marks and Spencer's Plan A Supplier of the Year Award and Smart Business Award
In recognition of all the hard work that Helistrat have undertaken towards assisting Marks and Spencer achieve their Plan A objectives on Waste, Helistrat were awarded the Plan A Supplier of the Year Award and the Smart Business Award 2012. Full story…

Helistrat win PFM Corporate Social Responsibility Award in Partnership with Marks & Spencer
Last night, 9th November 2011, as a result of dedicated team work with Marks & Spencer, Helistrat Management Services won the PFM ‘Partners in Corporate Social Responsibility’ Award. This award focuses upon and recognises partnerships in which the FM partners play a significant role in directing and meeting the objectives of the client’s environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. Full story…

Helistrat Supports the Marks & Spencer's and Oxfam 'One day Wardrobe Clearout'
Contract management specialist, Helistrat has provided over 4000 boxes to support the third Marks & Spencer (M&S) ‘One Day Wardrobe Clearout’ event. The boxes are used as special Donation Stations located in M&S stores across the country. Full story…

Helistrat Supports M&S to Win Another National Recycling Award
At the recent National Recycling Awards, held at the London Hilton, Park Lane, Marks and Spencer, with the assistance of Helistrat, won the Award for ‘Retail Recycler of the Year’. Full story…

Helistrat target the Green Apple Awards
Helistrat Management Services are proud to announce that their work on waste management programs with Marks and Spencer has been rewarded by the presentation of a Green Apple Trophy at the recent awards ceremony in London. Full story…